Many osteopaths, and other manual therapists, use joint manipulation techniques to bring about therapeutic change. The aim is to restore normal function of the joint which, hopefully, brings about a reduction in reported symptoms.
Before manipulating osteopaths will gauge whether the technique is suitable for the individual patient, if it is then they will carefully assess the range of movement of a joint and if it is restricted then they may chose to manipulate. The osteopath will gain consent before using this technique as some patients may not like it and very occasionally they may suffer associated side effects.
All manipulatory techniques involve creating tension within a given joint; using either short or long levers. This tension is created by the structures within the joint (capsule, cartilage) and outside of the joint (muscle, ligament). The tension brings about the formation of a gas bubble within the joint (synovial) fluid. When an external force is applied (a high velocity low amplitude thrust) the gas bubble pops creating the audible 'click', 'pop' or 'crack'.
So what is the point of doing this?
There are many theories to what happens during and after joint manipulation, these include:
- relaxing tight muscles that are related to the joint by causing a sudden stretch to them that affects there nerve supply
- releasing adhesions within the joint which cause restriction
- releasing any trapped material within the joint such as folds of joint synovium or cartilage
These factors all contribute to bringing about an improved function of the joint which many people find to be an effective technique in osteopathic treatment.
If you like to find out more on this subject please read this paper
Manipulation, along with other osteopathic techniques, may be able to help you! If you want to find out more don't hesitate in getting in contact with Rockingham Forest Osteopaths.