Many people who have visited osteopaths will have been familiar with the treatment given to Andy Murray at Wimbledon a few days ago:
Andy was complaining of shoulder pain but the therapist appeared to be manipulating Andy's thoracic spine. So why did he do this?
Many of the muscles that control the shoulder attach onto the thoracic spine. Also full shoulder girdle movement requires thoracic spine mobility. Therefore increasing the movement available in the thorax (by using manipulation) the shoulder has to do less work and the muscles are able to do their jobs properly.
Releasing the thoracic spin via manipulation can be beneficial to many other problems!
Neck pain is often contributed to by a stiff thorax; making the muscles of the neck work harder and become tired and achy. Similarly the lower back often compensates for poor thoracic mechanics, possibly eventually leading to intervertebral disc injuries.
Furthermore there are very important nerves that exit from the thoracic spine - it is thought that manipulation, not only has a positive affect on joint and muscle function, but also on the nerves in the local area. So thoracic manipulation could have a widespread positive influence on areas of the body supplied by those nerves.
If you think that osteopathic treatment may be able to help you get in contact with Rockingham Forest Osteopaths today!