Monday, 20 February 2017

The power of the nervous system

Over the past few weeks we have been seeing a lady who was experiencing excruciating nerve pain down her arm. There was no position that she could get herself in that alleviated the pain and it was especially bad at night.
Using P-DTR I was able to test what her nervous system was telling her body: a number of muscles around the front of her neck and shoulder were unable to relax, irritating the nerves that travel through them into the arm. P-DTR enabled me to track down and treat the dysfunctional nerve receptors that were causing her body to do this.

One week later she came back and reported that it was much improved until she had slipped in the shower! She had reached out with the problematic arm to stop her falling and found the wall. After this all of her symptoms had returned...
When she stood up for me to look at her she was standing with her shoulder, arm and upper back rotated backwards in a classic posture of withdrawal. When I pointed this out to her she tried to correct it which caused electric shock pain down her arm. Why was her body doing this?
Our body remembers by nerve receptors! A nerve receptor on her palm was still firing from the impact against the wall 3 days earlier. With this information her brain had done the only thing it could do to protect her; withdraw her from this remembered painful experience.
As soon as the receptors in question had been treated using P-DTR her posture immediately changed and the pain disappeared! Both her and I were amazed!
Our brain and nervous system are incredibly powerful, there is always a reason why we feel pain or why we stand and move in a certain way. P-DTR enables the WHY to be found and, more often than not, treated.
I await this lady's return to find out what she has felt like after her last session, with fingers crossed for no more falls or slips!

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

5 years of ankle pain better in 2 treatments!

Recently a 32 year old lady sought my help for ankle pain that she had been suffering with for roughly 5 years. She had pain on both sides but worse on the right, she couldn't wear heels or stand for long periods of time which was a massive problem as she's a hairdresser! 

As a child her right foot had been stood on and about 10 years ago she had also hit it hard on a metal object. Other than that she could not recall any further local twists, fractures or sprains.

On physical examination she had good movement in her foot, ankle, knee and hip joints on both sides; there were no obvious joint restrictions or problems. I then turned to Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) to give me a neurological understanding of what was going on: 

First I checked to see whether her body was going to test normally; it wasn't! We found that scars from previous abdominal surgery were causing her nervous system to go into protective mode, which meant that all of her muscles were testing strong under circumstances that should have made them weak. 

Operation scars are the cause of many problems; many receptor cells at the site of scars often still fire telling the brain that there is a problem, long after the tissues in the area have healed. With the lady in question I found pain receptors in the scar that were still firing, so her brain had provided what it thought was an appropriate response; to cause all of her muscles to test strong even when they shouldn't in order to protect her. Using P-DTR I was able to 'reprogramme' these receptors, because there was no current need for her body to protect a scar that has long been healed, enabling a normal muscle to test strong when it should and weak when it should. 

Now I could move on to her ankles: At the site where she had been stood on as a child I found more active pain receptors and where she had hit her ankle on the metal I found stretch receptors to be sending faulty signals. Using P-DTR protocol I corrected these receptors. This was the end of session one, she said it felt "strangely better" but the true test would be going back to work...

3 weeks later she was back for her 2nd session: No pain in the right ankle, improved pain in the left but it was still there in the background. This time I wanted to test the muscles of her legs first as I knew she had had no trauma to the left ankle/foot. There were a number of muscles that were weak and some that wouldn't relax in both of her legs, these particular muscles related to the Adrenal glands. Before investigating this further I found a faulty stretch receptor in her left ankle. 

A number of tests were performed to see how well her Adrenal glands her functioning; all showing there was a problem. Again using P-DTR protocol I was able to treat the Adrenal problem quickly and efficiently, then re-checked the muscles in her leg and the stretch receptor, all of which were now normal. 

She now has no pain in her ankles. With some lifestyle changes her Adrenal glands will recover long term and function normally again. 

P-DTR is an extremely effective, pain free treatment that literally changes the way your brain responds to and creates pain. It finds and treats the 'why' which is the most important 'W'!

Get in touch to find out if it can help you!